
Your Place for Personalized Beauty Care

Our licensed and experienced providers are excited to offer you an impressive array of aesthetic services, treatments, and products that allow you TO achieve your beauty goals and enhance your confidence!

We always offer free 15-minute consultations to really listen to your aesthetic concerns and outcomes and to answer any questions you may have about our procedures. Schedule a consultation at our clinics anytime!

We serve the Twin Cities area, so stop on by if you’re from

Helpful Guides to the Aesthetics You Want

Advanced Practice Aesthetics Explains: Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women and Men

Have you ever been curious about hormone replacement therapy for women or men? Advanced Practice Aesthetics explains BHRT and how we can help you feel your best!

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Laser Hair Removal: How We Do It & Why It's Effective

Achieve your aesthetic goals with laser hair removal by Advanced Practice Aesthetics. We have the ins and outs of laser hair removal and what to expect during your appointment.
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